The Self-Negotiated Brief – Part Thirteen: Full Colour Costume Test (Brody)

After doing several initial sketches for “Brody’s” main costume, I drew up an image in colour, to see if my original thoughts on the design were any good or not. The image is alright, albeit having very large misjudgements on the proportions (I was drawing the image at an angle, so I apologise for his top half being substantially larger than his tiny, skinny legs, haha!). Seeing as this image was made a s a rough colour reference sheet, the detail in the colouring is only very simple. Having finished this picture, it has helped me to rethink a few ideas, and go on to create a much more cleaned up equivalent image – which will be scanned in at a later date.

Here is the mood board, consisting of the reference images I used to create this piece. I essentially used this just to make sure the way I drew the clothes looked half decent / convincing enough. The images show important individual elements of the outfit, the sources of which are various sites, found through the “Google” search engine.

I’ve included color keys at the top of the page: The left dictating skin and eye colour, and the right dictating costume and jewellery colouring. Due to the quality of the unintetional contrasting and brightness edit that came with the scanning of the image, some colours have become obscured, but trust my choices on those which I have used – overall they make the image look quite vivid in person!


The Self-Negotiated Brief – Part Twelve: Brody Costume Sketches

I realise that from first impressions, Brody does indeed highly resemble “Gambit” from the “X-Men” series, and for that I do sorely apologize. It is purely coincidental I assure you! It wasn’t until a friend pointed out the similarities the other day, that I actually realised the heavy comparison between the two. Anyway, here are two full body costume sketches of “Brody” – the character which is receiving my main focus for this project for the time being. I am having so much fun developing ths character that I feel as though I am starting to neglect the development of other characters which are just as (if not more) important to the storyline.

I paid much more attention towards the first sketch as opposed to the second one. This was purely because I spent much more time refining the little features such as the hat, facial features, body position and so on. Because this was the first attempt at drawing this character – and this is usually the case when I draw a new design – I was desperate to make it look presentable. The second image was drawn at the suggestion of Craig (who is the “model” for “Brody”) as I asked him for some creative input for this small sketch session. He suggested that the character do a heroic / stereotypical pose just for the fun of it – and it was quite fun in all honesty! I intend to re-draw the second one at some point in the future, as I feel that it could look a lot better in many aspects.

An Afternoon at the “Hull Maritime Museum”

During another glorious day a few weeks ago, Alex ( our classmate Callum ( and myself, went on a trip to another local museum. We saw this as another excellent chance to accumulate ideas for the “Documentary” project for our second year at University. I assumed my role as the snap-happy member of our group, as we made our way around the museum and its exhibits.

Local museums prove to be excellent sources of ready inspiration for this project, and I am really currently enjoying learning some local history. Seeing as Hull was famous for its fishing industry back in the day, it seems like a good option to take for this assignment. It would also give the city some much needed exposure too. I want to look at other places around Hull too, such as the “Street Life Museum” and the wonderful “Ferens Art Gallery” located in the town centre.

Here is a selection of the best examples of the many, many, many photos that I took during the course of the afternoon. Please enjoy!




“Spring Awakening” Tshirt Commission

Referring back to my previous post on “Spring Awakening” (“Spring Awakening” @ Hull Truck Theatre), I was commissioned by the lead actor (and director) of the production, to create a tshirt design for him, which he intended to use in the final performance of the show. I have since been commissioned again by James Ramon-Baker to create several designs for a potential CD cover, for the “Cast Recording” Album which will be released soon.

He had previously asked me to create the tshirt design, but the intention to use it in one of the performances was decided upon after I had actually finished making it. It was created as a one-off use piece (as I did not have any access to decent fabric pens at the time) with Crayola felt-tips purchased at Tesco. He stated that he wanted the title of the production on the tshirt, with a “Chibi-esque” portrait of his character on the front, surrounding red font saying “Blah” multiple times, and the phrase “Totally Fu**ed” scrawled across the back (in reference to one of the songs). James supplied the tshirt for the project, free of charge.

I say “Chibi-esque”, as my stylised form of caricature has roots in the “Japanese Manga” style. The style was originally similar to the generic sort of “Chibi” look, but has since evolved into my own aesthetic over time – for example, the large, empty, white eyes. The design of these stylised portraits has, over recent months, proved very popular with people in the local alternative community, and various people and projects as far as Nottingham and Sheffield. This has made me immensely proud, and I am looking forward to other collaborations and ventures using them in the days and months to come!



